K8 Jet trainer takes advantage of single-engine, two-side air intake, tandem double seats, low-wing monoplane, 3-point nose undercarriage unit. It is mainly used for training, which can accomplish the task of take off, fly, night-fly, metering, formation, aerobatics and etc. This aircraft was completely designed by Hongdu Aviation itself. The flight-test of K8 for the first time took place in November 1990. The design finalization was in December 1992. Thousands of on-land test and flying test show that its combined properties are better than all the other jet trainer all over the world. And it is attending international aviation exposition。 Item No 01636 Item Name Chinese JL-8 (K-8 Karakorum) Trainer Bar Code 9580208016368 Scale 1/72 Item Type Static Kit Model Brief Length: 157.3 mm Wingspan: 135.5mm Total Parts 55pcs Total Sprues 3 sprues Paint Schemes " 1) PLA Air Force 2) Pakistani Air Force" Released Date 2008-01 More Features " There are 53 parts in light grey plastic, 2 clear parts for canopy"